Saturday, February 14, 2009

How we win

I'm taking this from something I read by Mike Dillard, he's a network marketing expert (

1. People win when they are comfortable. After all, who likes to be uncomfortable? The average person is uncomfortable with change, even though changing likely will increase the quality of their life.

2. People win when they are liked. Everyone wants to be accepted, validated and loved. Unfortunately, it's a rare individual, one who is willing to be a true leader and make the tough decisions even at the expense of loosing the approval of others.

3. People win by being right. These people are not open to criticism or new ideas. Since these people do not accept their short comings they can not move past them to continue growing and succeeding.

4. People win by winning. They are the competitive types, they don't care what people think of them and they thrive on discomfort because to them it means they are improving.

5. People win by loosing. This is the victim, the person who is not comfortable with life unless it's continually filled with problems they can tell others about and gain sympathy from.

From this can you see how people sabotage themselves, keeping themselves in the same rut for years on end? Have the courage to get out of your comfort zone, to be disliked, to be wrong and to take responsibility (vs. being the victim) and see what happens.

All the best!

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